In Development | Brazil | Feature film | Fiction | 95 min | HD | Color
STORY & SCRIPT: Caetano Gottardi | Mauricio Bouzon
After twenty years away, Gustavo returns for the first time to the farm where he was born and lived his childhood in the interior of Mato Grosso do Sul, so that his father can sign his mother’s inventory and also see the old man make official the relationship with Helena, twenty years younger. In the past, his father abandoned his mother to be with Helena, which completely shaken their relationship – they have hardly spoken since. Gustavo carries a great secret about a tragedy that happened on the farm.
Doubts: will he tell what he knows?
This secret shared among the characters creates a great atmosphere of suspense and tension in the narrative. We are led by Gustavo, we judge him and we rethink about us as individuals. The kennel space is a representation of consciousness and the narrative plays with our ability. It makes us realize the complexity and dubiousness of our actions, letting the film resonate in our lives and provide a reflection on our own values.